Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013


That is now the last outfit we made in Egypt. It was a very spontaneous shooting. After coming home from a shopping trip Joël took the Camera and began to photograph me.

It began very harmless while I was reading the roman Jane Eyre, which I really can recommend to everyone who loves to read some romantic stuff. After a while we get carefree and once more the funniest pictures arose. Once I was sitting on a wood box and on the next jumped off it. But the craziest picture probably is the one with the flying book. By the way, we noticed that on the most of my posts there is at least one of a jumping or moving picture. It seems like this is going to be our own note. At that point I’d like to remember you to my motto. Face your Fancy every Day!

About the look:

Have you ever been in the situation that you find a piece you really want to have but there is no right size left? I had this problem with this blouse. I have seen some dotted shirts in some magazines and when I saw the one in H&M there has only been size 40 (which is about two numbers to big). But as a fahsionholic I bought the blouse and I was so happy. Finally I have to say, that it wouldn’t have made a big difference if I bought it in size 36 or 40 it has anyway a lose fit.


My dotted Reader Look:
Blouse: H&M for € 15
Shorts: H&M for € 25
Ballerinas: Deichmann for € 17
Sunglasses: Asos for € 17
Bag: Oasis for € 25

Dies ist nun das letzte Outfit, welches wir in Ägypten fotografiert haben. Es war ein sehr spontanes Shooting. Nach einem Ausflug in eine Einkaufsmeile hat Joël die Kamera geschnappt und angefangen mich zu fotografieren.

Angefangen hat es ganz harmlos beim Lesen des Buches Jane Eyre, welches ich allen, die gerne etwas Romantisches lesen, empfehlen kann. Irgendwann wurden wir jedoch übermütig und es entstanden wieder die witzigsten Bilder! Ich habe mich auf die Holzkiste gesetzt und bin von derselben heruntergesprungen. Das verrückteste Bild ist wohl das mit dem fliegenden Buch. Übrigens ist uns aufgefallen, dass wir bei den meisten Posts immer eines dieser Jumping- oder Moving-Bilder haben. Das wird wohl zu unserem Markenzeichen. An dieser Stelle möchte ich euch gerne an mein Motto erinnern: Face your Fancy every Day!

Eure Delaia

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